Somewhere Away From Here


Somewhere the stars are out,

Sweet perfume of summer’s earth

Still warm from sky’s blazing eye

Envelops deepening shadows of the night,

And holds her close.


Somewhere hungry flames lap at her heart

A leaping fire once lost to

furious days spewing

Sleepless nights,

And tireless days tapping time

So far away,

And now the scent of wood,

And heat, and blossoms in the sun,

Gather under a starry dome.




I gave you everything I could,

Gave up all that I was,

A composting tree dropping leaves

To become bare bark peeling

in every season,

in every storm,

Knowing that one day you would be better,

Stronger, brighter, smarter than I could ever be,

Your small voice asking me about the stars, and the moon, and the universe,

Hoping I would know all the answers,

Waiting for my words of gold,

My thoughts that were heaven sent,

Because you believed in me

The way I believe in you now,

The way I want you to fight now,

Fight for your right to sprout leaves,

To grow strong in the blue sky,

Branches waving in defiance over all that would keep you down,

Defy the shade that would hide you in its shadow,

Defy the world that would crumple you from the inside out,

Test your mind, your spirit, your body,

And try to place you underground.

And if I could say it all again,

I would look in your small face and tell you

That You ARE the Universe,

and the Universe is in you,

That you have the power

To make time and space your own creation,

And thrive, despite the darkness

Shine, despite the pain

And reach out, despite the heat.

For there is not one word, one phrase, one action

That could ever make me love you any less.

KKLE  February 15, 2014

Stolen Stars



“You have stolen my stars”
And I don’t mind
Where torn patches in the night sky
Once gathered taut
To hold my universe in
Now billows
Frayed edges free
Like a winter scarf worn thin.


It’s raining.
Darkness still clings to my skin,
And stars, gleaming like a million
Ancient fires
Flicker in my heart,
In that silent moment before dawn.


Let go your heavy heart,

embers of memories,

illusions of fire,

And take back your stars

Pulsating tenderly in my night sky,

Aching impatiently in these long winter hours,

Take back your stars and sit with me

In this divine night

Sipping tendrils of light

Until morning.



For You


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© Karen K.L.Espaniola and 2013. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Karen K.L. Espaniola and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.